




Amount of people

Able to book online up to 4 people. Please call the restaurant to book for a big party

Dining Table Types
Reservation Methods
Not available for this date, please check the other ones
LUNCH 9:00-14:00
Afternoon 14:00-17:00
DINNER 17:00-00:45
Waiting line:
Current groups in line
Please contact the restaurant hostess for actual wait time and groups in line
Open at 17:00
Currently available
Please go to the restaurant directly for a seat
Please contact the restaurant hostess for actual wait time and groups in line
Not open yet
, it opens

Restaurant information

Store Two 2F
  • Restaurant location
    Taipei Tianmu Store Two 2F
  • Cuisine type
  • Phone
  • Opening hours
  • Reservation Policy
    【老乾杯貼心提醒】 ◆如果特別需求請來電洽詢02-2877-1550 ◆座位依現場營運狀況做安排,恕無法指定座位。 ◆訂位座位將保留10分鐘,逾時則優先安排給現場候位的顧客(若有特殊原因須保留,煩請提前致電餐廳告知)。 ◆內用無低消,另酌收10%服務費。 ◆因疫情關係,提醒您需配戴口罩進入餐廳;於用餐中暫時離座,也請確實配戴口罩。 ◆自帶酒水須酌收酒水服務費,每1ml以$1元計,依瓶身容量標示為主。亦可以瓶抵瓶,如開瓶店內販售之酒款,即可抵免一瓶相同容量的自帶酒水服務費。 ◆15位(含)以上的大組訂位,須酌收訂位金,費用收取基準為中午時段每人300元、晚餐時段每人500元;詳情請洽各分店。
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Takeout time

*In order to keep the food in the freshest state and keep the food storage space clean and hygienic, please go to pick up the food within 20 minutes of the scheduled pick-up time.

Please select your meal

Apologies, but the selected date and time are currently unavailable for meal services. We recommend adjusting the date or time or exploring other restaurant options. Thank you.

Refreshing the menu for you...
Minimum cost for takeout NT$ , NT$ left
Booking info
Hi,dearVIP User
Booking info

Amount of people

0 adult 0 kid



Reservation name *
Reservation Persons Phone *
Above requirements may valid based on the restaurants condition

Booking success

已為您保留 專屬桌席
A SMS has been sent to ,請留意確認訂位詳情。
Hi,dearVIP User
Amount of people to get in the waiting list
Maximum  12 people to get in the waiting list
Name of register *
Phone number *
Remark to the waiting list
Additional requirements
Above requirements may valid based on the restaurants condition

Registration success

A SMS has been sent to 