
以下為訂位規則及貼心提醒 :
1. 當日線上訂位,開放120分鐘後之時段
2. 為保障所有顧客用餐權益,用餐時間限時2小時,訂位保留15分鐘,恕不接受指定座位,若需提早入座則以入座時間開始計算,逾時系統將取消座位不另行通知
3. 若有續座需求,餐廳將視現場營運狀況彈性調整
4. 超過訂位保留時間報到, 可提早來電通知,依現場座位狀況重新安排,入座後仍以原訂位時段計算2小時
5. 我們提供90天內的預約訂位,線上訂位開放時段依各分店開放時段為主,特殊時段或活動如包場、節慶日等將依狀況關閉
6. 線上訂位僅開放6人(含)以下訂位,7人以上訂位請於營業時間內,撥打門市電話 04-2259-5488
7. 為避免準備食材的浪費,指定區域及包場訂位需預繳訂金
8. 特殊節日如聖誕、 跨年、情人節...等及體育賽事轉播,可能需預繳訂金、且有低消限制,訂位相關規則請洽門市
9. 如需兒童椅或特殊需求請於備註欄標示需求,視當日現場營運狀況座位安排
10. 取消訂位請務必來電通知,以免影響往後訂位權益


Amount of people

Able to book online up to 6 people. Please call the restaurant to book for a big party


Dining Table Types

Reservation Methods

Not available for this date, please check the other ones
LUNCH 9:00-14:00
Afternoon 14:00-17:00
DINNER 17:00-00:45
Waiting line:
Current groups in line
Please contact the restaurant hostess for actual wait time and groups in line
Open at
Currently available
Please go to the restaurant directly for a seat
Please contact the restaurant hostess for actual wait time and groups in line
Not open yet
, it opens

Restaurant information

  • Restaurant location

    Taichung Zhonggan 13F
  • Cuisine type

  • Phone

  • Opening hours

× Fullscreen Image

Delivery time

*In order to keep the food in the freshest condition, all meals are made to order. In the event of a busy time during the meal period, the delivery time of the meal may be delayed from the scheduled time, please be patient.

Please select your meal

Apologies, but the selected date and time are currently unavailable for meal services. We recommend adjusting the date or time or exploring other restaurant options. Thank you.

Refreshing the menu for you...
Minimum cost for delivery NT$ , NT$ left
Booking info
Hi,dearVIP User
Booking info

Amount of people

0 adult 0 kid



Reservation name *
Reservation Persons Phone *
Above requirements may valid based on the restaurants condition

Booking success

已為您保留 專屬桌席
A SMS has been sent to ,請留意確認訂位詳情。
Hi,dearVIP User
Amount of people to get in the waiting list
Maximum  4 people to get in the waiting list
Name of register *
Phone number *
Remark to the waiting list
Additional requirements
Above requirements may valid based on the restaurants condition

Registration success

A SMS has been sent to 